Murder Mysteries by Neil Gaiman

Murder Mysteries - Daniel Chabon, P Craig Russell, Neil Gaiman

**I received a copy of this from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

This was a Meh all round. It's the first time I've ever been less then impressed with a product carrying Neil Gaiman's name.


When it comes to graphic novels, I don't mind a bad story too much if the artwork is outstanding, or vice versa. This title fell short on both. I didn't feel one way or the other about any of the characters. Not one of them had any personality trait to make them individuals. This was one of the big fails in the story for me. If everyone is a cardboard cut out, why should I care what happened to them? Each Angel is given one Function. Their Function is the only thing that really differentiates one Angel from another. A few do finally show a little individualism at the end, but it was too little too late. I will say I was pleasantly surprised when the murderer was named. It did manage to completely catch me off guard.


The artwork was less was less then impressive. I didn't find the characters designs or settings to be very pleasing to look at. The colors used for the Los Angeles and Hall scenes were beautiful. Most the other Heaven backgrounds were either flat pastel, or pastel fading to white.


At the end of the copy I read, there is an amazing Behind the Scenes section I would highly recommend reading. This was a lot more engaging then the book itself and I genuinely enjoyed it